Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I just wanna be around people I'm familiar with and laugh at their jokes.

Anyway, I guess I should apologize. My blog has been emo-ish lately haha no I'm not sad or depressed at all. I'm okay. It just came off like that. Plus, I am one who likes to whine and is addicted to drama LOL

So how are you guys? How are things?

I'm fine. My bosses are all in Middle East so yeah, things are pretty slow at the moment.

Hazim and I are doing well, Alhamdulillah :)) we haven't been hanging out much lately but distance makes the heart grow fonder, right? *winks*

Umm dad is dad, sometimes he's weak sometimes he's okay. He had a medical check up last monday and found out that his heart is only functioning at 25% of its efficiency rate. Well that's mere logic, considering that he's been on dialysis for 9 years. Yeah, so that's that.

Oh we spent the weekend at the beach house in PD. It was relaxing indeed. It was raining a lot, all we did was sleep and eat haha and we all slept in till 11am on sunday ;)

I bought a book today, yeayy! Its called "Don't Be Sad" by 'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. It was originally written in Arabic and translated into English due to a high demand. It's a best seller, you should check it out. I've read a few pages while walking to the carpark earlier and I fell in love w it already. I need to pray more, and praise and thank God more often and as often as I should for what I have. *mental note*

Drove to work and then from work using the federal highway today. Traffic wasn't so bad. Parked at this new parking space at RM 5 per day, and the best part is its nearer to KLCC than the masjid parking lot. WIN :))

I have memorized the first verse of the nothin on you song. Yayyerrr.

Okay laa I'll be honest. I'm struggling a lil bit w the alexa chung haircut haha (Scroll down for a post haircut picture of me). I guess I was used to the low maintenance-ness of the long locks I used to have. W long locks, the messier the better right? So I didn't really give a hoot w my hair then. Scrunch it up and then tadaa, here comes the curls. Sadly, messy doesn't work w shoulder length hair. It has to be engineered to look a certain degree of messy to reach sexy. Daym. LOL

And that's it from me. I realised that my blog has been tumblr-ish lately, and yes I do remember bashing tumblr for the lack of originality in one of my older posts so I thought of writing down my updates of my mundane life :P Gee, I find it tiring to be a true blogger, you have to be narcissistic in order to yap about yourself haha

Anyway, drop in your updates if you're into it. Tell me about you, I'd like to know :)

Alexa Chung wannabe.

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