Friday, July 30, 2010


I have been waiting for tomorrow for the past 2 months, and here it comes, just a few hours away and I am drenched in anxiety.

I'm sorry the reason is too personal for me to reveal, but rest assured that tomorrow will be a new beginning for me.

There are thousands of possibilities parading in my head, presenting itself one by one as if they're models posing at a casting.

I will be fine no matter what, right? I will be okay, I know I will. Even if I fall into an endless emotional black hole, please don't stop holding my hand, will you? YOU are my support. Yes you, the one who is reading this right now. You're reading this because you care and I thank you.

Anyway, this is weird for me to say but for once in my life, I hope I was wrong about all of this and that tomorrow, I will be the happiest girl on earth. We'll see :)

Have a nice weekend, everybody.
Talk soon, xx

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