Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just expressing my feelings.

I hate the fact that I can't share my sorrow, my weaknesses, my arguments about fairness in the world w you - without having you go all explosive, bitter or angry at me for being weak.

Don't be such a girl, you say.

Well hello, I am a girl and sometimes I just want to complain about my life.

It is hard being a lady who is always underestimated by everyone around her, and judged by her looks most of the time, exposed to sexual harassment at the workplace, having to smile and console a friend even when her own world is secretly falling apart, maintain politeness and good manners even when she is wronged or mocked about being fat, still be a good daughter/sister/girlfriend when all of her energy was drained by pleasing the people she didn't even like at the office etc etc.

Apart from showing a good front and poker facing all the time, sometimes I just want to let loose, complain and cry.

I don't need you to fix it, I know most of them are not your fault and beyond your control. I just want to be heard.

I know you were right, I mustve done something wrong to deserve such a life. Maybe blogging about this is one of them.

But I guess I deserve some compassion.
Or not.

Its okay, I'm used to it anyway.

P/s: this post is not meant to embarrass anybody, it is solely about me complaining about my life. And please bare in mind that this post is obviously one sided and was written when I was terribly upset. Thank you.

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