The Penguin is a bird! Did you know that? Saya tak tau LOL I thought penguins are mammals. Duhh, they are fat and they obviously don't fly. But actually they are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively near the Southern Hemisphere as claimed by Wikipedia.
Went to Asia Cafe last Monday to have dindin with Hana Banana, Apeng, Pae, Kudim, Fuji and his girlfriend. We got into talking about lots of stuff, and the classic teka-teki session came up. Gave them a riddle to solve, it goes like this: "kenapa penguin putih kat depan and hitam kat belakang?" and the answer is,
wait for it,
wait for it;
the answer is: tangan dia pendek, so bila mandi dia sabun depan je. tak sampai belakang :p funny eh?
And then someone mentioned about penguins being birds. I had no idea. But I do now! Thanks you guys :)
This month on emuse
4 years ago
wait for it...
wait for it....
nice one,how i met your mother!
ptt la bunyi cam pernah dgr
how i met your mother rocks! :)
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