Monday, June 30, 2008

Baby Brother

This post is dedicated to my 7 year old Baby Brother. He has mild Down's Syndrome and that didn't stop him from being cute haha and he's pretty smart too, so I'm going to post some pictures snapped by him. He's doing well at school - number 1 in his class, speaks good English and a little bit of Malay and he is also a great photographer. So wipe off that pity off your face and be prepared to be amazed :)

The Baby Brother, love of my life <3

The world through his little innocent eyes:

I have more pictures in my laptop, am using Dad's lappie now. Will post them later. Of course I only post the best ones but don't you think that's amazing? I do. Most Down's Syndrome kids can't have that focus that he has. I'm just so proud of him. If you mess with him, you mess with me.


Song of the day: Foundations - Kate Nash.


Raieza Hanim R said...

I've seen more pictures yg Baby snapped!
Sumpah smart gila.
The angles especially :)

Anonymous said...

i love this boy! terer je dia ambik pics. and he is soo cute