Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I tak kacau, you jangan kacau I please?


I'm begging you :(

I don't understand why people feel like its okay to ejek me. And I face that, every. single. day.

Today I had someone told me I look like kelly clarkson. Yeah I was thin before, get over it. Stop giving me remarks about how I've gained weight, I KNOW THAT. Its not like I haven't noticed.

Stop telling me I have fat legs, fat arms, etc etc. It hurts okay?

It might be a joke to you, but its not funny to me. An insult is still an insult no matter how nonchalantly you say it.

I often wonder, why do people keep bringing me down? What did I ever do to them? Am I an easy target? Did I asked for it?

Honestly, I don't know.

And I tak kacau gf you, I tak kacau bf you, don't kacau mine please.

Don't ajak my boyfriend go hunting for girls. He loves me, accept it. If you think I'm not good enough for him, that's his call. Not yours.

Say if I ajak your gf go looking for boys, you'd be pissed too right?

So please. Please please please I'm begging you :(

I tak kacau you, please don't kacau me.

Thank you.

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