DISCLAIMER: this is a personal blog where most of the content contains high dose of narcissisticness.
Friday, January 15, 2010
just saying.
leggings are not pants
leggings are not pants
leggings are not motherfucking pants!
Listen here woman, just because u can't pull off leggings with that fat drumstick thigh of yours doesn't mean other ppl can't. And what's with judging fat ppl when ur the size of a woman with 5 children? Have u ever looked in the mirror. U hate ppl making fun of ur weight but u are just so shallow and think ur above everyone and everything! I think u just carry too much garbage woman. U hate ppl who talk about getting married when u urself is in the race to the altar. And u hate them because they won the race right? Come on ur posts shows so much negativity and emotional baggage that u carry around everyday. Maybe its time to acknowledge ur problem because honestly honey, it reflects so much on your behaviour. Don't hate ppl because they are better off than u and pls stop counting the men that even looks at you. You know they only do it just to stare at ur sagging boobs.
wow thank you for supporting and empowering women there, courageless anonymous person! she looks like a woman with 5 children? that is a very subtle yet profound statement you just made..really shows your maturity and respect for the female race.
I do not think that anyone has the right to say what you just wrote, and action is character. what you just did reflects so much on you, not her.
seriously you have a problem with YOUR emotional baggage. pleasela everyone has them okay,but she chooses to write it in her blog. If you are better than this blog, don't read it and go stalk other people.Go enrol yourself in some "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY TIME SO I GIVE BITCHY COMMENTS TO GIRLS I DON'T KNOW SO I FEEL BETTER ABOUT MY USELESS JUDGEMENTAL LONELY ASS SELF" THERAPY.
dear annonymous, this is a blog, its a peice of her mind, what gives you the right to directly insult a person with the name 'anonymous'?
if ppl wanna wear leggings they'll wear them, there is a difference between these two scenarios
scenario a) seeing some ugly leggings and just randomly typing it out on a blog cos hell yeah leggings can be fugly on some ppl, but if they wanna wear them, then to hell with it, doesnt mean we cant say it looks fugly, there isn't a single soul on earth who doesnt judge other people in their heads..and you are obviously proof of that mr/ms anonymous
scenario b) going up to someone and saying, oi you look fugly in leggings, thats just rude and hurtfull and thats what you are doing mr/ms anonymous
a blog is a place where she can say whatever the hell she wants, if you dont like what she has to say, change the address foo'! dont lash out like a jealous kid
i beleive that hiddie here is one of the nicest people i know, at least she has sensetivity of blogging about things and making them impersonal to any specific person, unlike your jealous ass you just gotta hurt people don't you?
so yeah, hid, dont be afraid, keep blogging :) a blog isnt a blog without a few lame ass haters ;)
well anonymous, i cant understand what trigerred you to write that. maybe you yourself couldnt rock leggings so you choose to lash out. who knows.
talking about looking in the mirror. maybe you should. youre just contradicting yourself there,you must carry a lot of emotinal baggage yourself to be disturbed enough to make nasty statements about someone in a blog using the name anonymous. and i dont really see any positivity in your comments as well. i would assume you made those comments cos you think youre above hid right? so yeah there you go. youre just doing what you told her not to do? stupid aint it?
this is a personal space for hid to share her feelings and her views. if you dont like them, youre free to browse elsewhere. we love her very much and we appreciate and respect her views (yeah leggings can be very hideous). if you google "leggings are not pants" you will find that a lot of people agree with her. maybe you should go make comments to those people as well.
i love hiddie very much and i think shes drop dead gorgeous. keep on blogging baby. theyre a lot of jealous e-haters out there.
im not on any side. i think anonymous has a point when it comes to hiddie's negative ramblings. but then again, hiddie has the right to say whatever she wishes here :)
i think i'll agree to hiddie's point in some sense...it is disgusting looking at people sitting on a bench, flashing their underwear just simply because the leggings are sooooo see-through! heh. eyesore but heck! suke hati mereka lah. hahahaha.
no need to be so emo la about this post, anonymous! *cheers*
sorry it took me a while to reply you. to be honest, i was shocked. and hurt. prolly cuz most of what you said were true.
anyway, im sorry if my random ramblings had hurt you in any way. believe me, i had no intention to aim them at anyone. my thoughts are just that, thoughts. please dont take them personally.
and to the others who commented in this post, thank you. you guys are awesome <3
Dear Anonimos (see i dunno how to speel anonimnos coz im dumb like u and u wear leggings i bet)
we know for sho that u r: 1. FAT 2. Wear cheap leggings 3. FAT 4. Ur married with 5 children 5. your boobs are saggy
coz you can comment the above coz u know how it feels kan? hahahaha. well anonimos, kesian. takpe. see my tips below anonimos:
how to improve anonimos' life. 1. get ur fat ass to da gym. 2.earn more to buy better leggins yg tak jarang nmpak grandma spender. pernah dgr tak the word LINGERIE?or thong? i bet u dun have those. 3. again go to the GYM. G.Y.M 4. send ur children for adoption. and then there were 4..yeay! 5.girlll..pg cari krim kat guardian. ive seen those. or pgla cari on the net camne nk bg tetek kao mantap sket. or better, masa tgh surgery dikau mampos. wohoo.
well unlike you MS/MR aninimosity (ha ha) ppl do carry baggage. have you seen the mirror lately?i bet you need help too to carry SO MUCH ANGER.
and napela you baca blog si hiddie ni?seriously?nothing better to do ke?pls la..just lash it out in your own blog ke?or maybe ur just jealous of hid? well she is hot n pretty n much much more so tak heranlah u can get so angry n uptight with her ever so simple ayat..so she hates leggings,u hate ur boobs, the world still berputar..
so marilah kita berdamai. miss anonimos. i know where to buy leggings and some people who wants to adopt ur kids...call me biatch...:D
lets make this world a better place..with or without leggings.yeay.
Listen here woman, just because u can't pull off leggings with that fat drumstick thigh of yours doesn't mean other ppl can't. And what's with judging fat ppl when ur the size of a woman with 5 children? Have u ever looked in the mirror. U hate ppl making fun of ur weight but u are just so shallow and think ur above everyone and everything! I think u just carry too much garbage woman. U hate ppl who talk about getting married when u urself is in the race to the altar. And u hate them because they won the race right? Come on ur posts shows so much negativity and emotional baggage that u carry around everyday. Maybe its time to acknowledge ur problem because honestly honey, it reflects so much on your behaviour. Don't hate ppl because they are better off than u and pls stop counting the men that even looks at you. You know they only do it just to stare at ur sagging boobs.
wow thank you for supporting and empowering women there, courageless anonymous person! she looks like a woman with 5 children? that is a very subtle yet profound statement you just made..really shows your maturity and respect for the female race.
I do not think that anyone has the right to say what you just wrote, and action is character. what you just did reflects so much on you, not her.
seriously you have a problem with YOUR emotional baggage. pleasela everyone has them okay,but she chooses to write it in her blog. If you are better than this blog, don't read it and go stalk other people.Go enrol yourself in some "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY TIME SO I GIVE BITCHY COMMENTS TO GIRLS I DON'T KNOW SO I FEEL BETTER ABOUT MY USELESS JUDGEMENTAL LONELY ASS SELF" THERAPY.
dear annonymous, this is a blog, its a peice of her mind, what gives you the right to directly insult a person with the name 'anonymous'?
if ppl wanna wear leggings they'll wear them, there is a difference between these two scenarios
scenario a)
seeing some ugly leggings and just randomly typing it out on a blog cos hell yeah leggings can be fugly on some ppl, but if they wanna wear them, then to hell with it, doesnt mean we cant say it looks fugly, there isn't a single soul on earth who doesnt judge other people in their heads..and you are obviously proof of that mr/ms anonymous
scenario b)
going up to someone and saying, oi you look fugly in leggings, thats just rude and hurtfull and thats what you are doing mr/ms anonymous
a blog is a place where she can say whatever the hell she wants, if you dont like what she has to say, change the address foo'! dont lash out like a jealous kid
i beleive that hiddie here is one of the nicest people i know, at least she has sensetivity of blogging about things and making them impersonal to any specific person, unlike your jealous ass you just gotta hurt people don't you?
so yeah, hid, dont be afraid, keep blogging :)
a blog isnt a blog without a few lame ass haters ;)
well anonymous, i cant understand what trigerred you to write that. maybe you yourself couldnt rock leggings so you choose to lash out. who knows.
talking about looking in the mirror. maybe you should. youre just contradicting yourself there,you must carry a lot of emotinal baggage yourself to be disturbed enough to make nasty statements about someone in a blog using the name anonymous. and i dont really see any positivity in your comments as well. i would assume you made those comments cos you think youre above hid right? so yeah there you go. youre just doing what you told her not to do? stupid aint it?
this is a personal space for hid to share her feelings and her views. if you dont like them, youre free to browse elsewhere. we love her very much and we appreciate and respect her views (yeah leggings can be very hideous). if you google "leggings are not pants" you will find that a lot of people agree with her. maybe you should go make comments to those people as well.
i love hiddie very much and i think shes drop dead gorgeous. keep on blogging baby. theyre a lot of jealous e-haters out there.
*clap clap*
Promote promote!
im not on any side. i think anonymous has a point when it comes to hiddie's negative ramblings. but then again, hiddie has the right to say whatever she wishes here :)
hello :))
i think i'll agree to hiddie's point in some sense...it is disgusting looking at people sitting on a bench, flashing their underwear just simply because the leggings are sooooo see-through! heh. eyesore but heck! suke hati mereka lah. hahahaha.
no need to be so emo la about this post, anonymous! *cheers*
hi anonymous,
sorry it took me a while to reply you. to be honest, i was shocked. and hurt. prolly cuz most of what you said were true.
anyway, im sorry if my random ramblings had hurt you in any way. believe me, i had no intention to aim them at anyone. my thoughts are just that, thoughts. please dont take them personally.
and to the others who commented in this post, thank you. you guys are awesome <3
Dear Anonimos (see i dunno how to speel anonimnos coz im dumb like u and u wear leggings i bet)
we know for sho that u r:
1. FAT
2. Wear cheap leggings
3. FAT
4. Ur married with 5 children
5. your boobs are saggy
coz you can comment the above coz u know how it feels kan? hahahaha. well anonimos, kesian. takpe. see my tips below anonimos:
how to improve anonimos' life.
1. get ur fat ass to da gym.
2.earn more to buy better leggins yg tak jarang nmpak grandma spender. pernah dgr tak the word LINGERIE?or thong? i bet u dun have those.
3. again go to the GYM. G.Y.M
4. send ur children for adoption. and then there were 4..yeay!
5.girlll..pg cari krim kat guardian. ive seen those. or pgla cari on the net camne nk bg tetek kao mantap sket. or better, masa tgh surgery dikau mampos. wohoo.
well unlike you MS/MR aninimosity (ha ha) ppl do carry baggage. have you seen the mirror lately?i bet you need help too to carry SO MUCH ANGER.
and napela you baca blog si hiddie ni?seriously?nothing better to do ke?pls la..just lash it out in your own blog ke?or maybe ur just jealous of hid? well she is hot n pretty n much much more so tak heranlah u can get so angry n uptight with her ever so simple ayat..so she hates leggings,u hate ur boobs, the world still berputar..
so marilah kita berdamai. miss anonimos. i know where to buy leggings and some people who wants to adopt ur kids...call me biatch...:D
lets make this world a better place..with or without leggings.yeay.
yes, despite all the drama..i agree PLS NOTE THAT LEGGINGS are hideous worn as pants by themselves.
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