Friday, September 24, 2010

Keep calm and pray for the best.

Some people find it hard to believe that sometimes we have financial problems. Prolly because I am me, and zimster is zimster, and we may look like we live life lavishly (well maybe we did at some point), but we, too, like any other human beings face some financial problems. Please don't forget the little fact we don't own what our parents have, we only have the privilege of using them once in a while.

And if I could have it my way (and all the money in the world, of course), I want to get married in Rome and have Paolo Nutini sing at my wedding. It will be on a sunny day when the sun ray seeps through those romantic looking buildings, beautiful people chatting away while munching on yummy food :)

But I can't have it my way, and I don't have all the money in the world :P

However, I am thankful for the great friends that I have, those who understand, who doesn't judge and who are willing to help when I'm in need. I may not have tons of money, but I am surrounded w lots of love, and that's enough to make me happy. Thank you great friends, I love you so much <3

I hope everyone in the world have such good friends like I do ;)

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


hola bola said...

it will be beautiful! we shall make sure it will be even if we have to get our hands dirtayy (cue untuk ingat pagi pagi buat hantaran eton haha)

hiddie said...

hahahahaha terer kayyy buat hantaran woohoo!