Monday, February 8, 2010

conversation between me and a friend #1

i have a lot to say about men and relationships, but they are all my opinion and are not supposed to be a guideline or anything like that. like ive mentioned before in one of my posts, i blog for me. when im in doubt, sad etc etc ill read my blog. my blog is like my reminder. you know, like a place where i actually write down those note to self things.

since most of the things i want to write about but never got the time to write usually are being discussed between me and my friends, i decided to copy paste them. so this is the first one. trust me, there will be more to come ;) enjoy.


I don’t know how to feel. Even we (us)..the ultimate yapper talks A LOT. N I mean a lot.he talks more than me. But its nice to have a quiet moment together u know. Like just sit. N not talk about feelings for once. I want to be his best fren, his lover n much more. Just talk about politics, music, fashion, fish, lions, Tutankhamen. But he doesn’t know anything. Dats y reading is important. Or watch a bit of tv. I want him to know that warthog are called wart hogs because they actually have warts. Ok dats too much. But im just saying. Hahahhaha.

Asyik2 risau. But cant be there for me…kalo setakat ckp saje I pon leh buat. I told him. yes sistah I did. Hollaaa…


Girls gotta be creative in getting men to do what we want. Telling them straight on wont work. Kena turn it into a game, kena ada trick trick sikit. You know, macam main dengan budak kecik.

Buat laa game 'do you know?' so every week each person kena bagitau a new fact. baru best :P it will be fun, and he will read more cuz im sure he wants to surprise you ;)

Funny but true.

Sad but true.

Demyuh! bak kata Fad :P

babe, i post benda kita cakap ni kat my blog boleh tak? tapi tak sebut nama laaa sebab takut orang kenal. and lebih mysterious gittewww.

Plus I saved of the talks that we had, and I do read them occasionally sebab best haha do you mind if I post them too?

Tapi go tengok dulu whether youre agreeable to the way I put it or not.

If you give me your yes, then I guess this will a good way to channel our message to all the boyfriends in the world.


Hehehe..sure go ahead…sometimes guys shud know that they are not always right. So please listen. And women are not dumb. Just coz we color our hair n we bagi muka kat dorang slalu doesn’t mean we r stupid ok.


so yeah. this is how its gonna be. boys, read more please. give your gf one thing less to complain about.


this is not meant to embarrass anybody. please dont take it seriously.




Budak Nakal said...

Well, February seems to be a little bit more intimate, emotional and mellow, no?

Why I love to be in relationship?
Because I found / invented / created so many things while I'm in a relationship; quotes, artworks, games, jokes, stories, facts, gossips, you name it. Relationship brings the best and the wildest out of me.

Anyways, game is one of my favourites. Well, I will not go down to the categories here but it's really fun, I agree with you.

I'll share one game (or more) later in my blog. I created the game last week. Few games, actually. Most probably sometimes this week, since this week is my special edition Valentine Mode series.

Unknown said...

coooll. i pun sometimes boring talk about us je. but nowadays dah jarang talk so rasa rindu sikit nak cakap pasal us.

well, what game are u talking about? i mcm blur and lmbt pick up. hehe.

teach me teach me :) plssss..