Friday, September 11, 2009

love, please get well soon.

im so not into working today.
my body is at my desk but my mind is elsewhere.

i wanna be w hazim now now nowwwwwwwwww,
just sit there and do nothing, or watch him sleep.

apparently its not the normal appendicitis.
his stomach has been infected w germs.
hence, he is in a lot of pain.
transferred to the HDU (high dependency unit) yesterday.

i feel so...empty.
ive been spending the last 2 days sitting by his side.
but HDU does not allow us to wait for the patients.
i feel so alone.

hazim, please get well soon :(

before operation

after operation. hes got a bit of a fever.

in HDU. apparently his fever got worse, due to the germs in his tummy.

please please pleeeeeaaaasssssseeeeeeeeeeee pray for his recovery.
thanks <3


HaFiDz ByLz @ Ude @ ToBey said...

owh.. baru tahu.

harap dia okay and tere sket main bola. asek tak score je hari tu.

Hazim said...

Kimak nye jawa, hari tu kau tak main. Aku score byk wei.